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Homeopathy: Natural Remedies for Viral Illnesses

Homeopathy: Natural Remedies for  Illnesses caused by Viruses. Colds, Flus, Coughs and Epidemic Pneumonia

In order to get acquainted with Homeopathy and understand it, please see this link:

However for the sake of this brief article:

Classical Homeopathy is, in fact, a branch of medicine and therapeutic model. Homeopaths do not treat named diseases, we treat individuals with specific symptoms in accordance with homeopathic philosophy and tradition founded by German doctor Christian Friedrich S Hahnemann. Homeopathy does not believe everyone is the same, therefore each person will react differently to a virus or bacteria. These symptoms will be different from another person with the same virus or disease name. Homeopathy and homeopathic remedies do not cause iatrogenic diseases, that is,  side effects which with time become another disease on top of the one you already had. To summarise, Homeopathy acts on the electromagnetic field of the individual. It is been known to be an Energetic Medicine and many modern research studies and modern research equipment have found it to be. (one research link among many that can be read by following this link: HOMEOPATHIC POTENCIES IDENTIFIED BY A NEW MAGNETIC RESONANCE METHOD: Homeopathy—An Energetic Medicine

Unbeknownst to the majority of the world’s population, homeopathy since its discovery  has saved millions of lives in all pandemics and epidemics. Historical evidence proves that homeopathy has saved lives in higher percentages than conventional medicine. For full statistics please read this 3 part article: Dr. Andre Saine (one of the foremost experts on homeopathy) and Dr. Steven Novella (one of the foremost skeptics of homeopathy)

USA 1918 Pandemic Flu Posters. All advice in these posters is still valid for modern times in  regular colds

As can be inferred from the statistics graph above, the rate of mortality during 1918 Influenza pandemic was much higher among those treated with conventional medicines than by homeopathic doctors.

The world’s elite have always used homeopathy. ( “The Homeopathic Revolution -Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes  Choose Homeopathy" By Dana Ullman)

Coronaviruses are types of viruses that typically affect the respiratory tract of mammals, including humans. They are associated with the common cold, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and can also affect the gut. 

How can I protect myself? 

-Wash your hands - soap or hand gel can kill the virus. Just plain isopropyl or rubbing alcohol  (99 percent alcohol volume) rubbed in hand will do the job.

- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing - ideally with a tissue - and wash your  hands afterwards, to prevent the virus spreading 

- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth - if your hands touch a surface contaminated by the  virus, this could transfer it into your body 

- Don't get too close to people coughing, sneezing or with a fever - they can propel small droplets containing the virus into the air - ideally,  and keep at least 1m (3ft) away


- Clean and disinfect 

- Take Homeopathic remedies at the first sign of  illness. 

- Take Herbal tonics, teas at first sign of illness. (one example at end of article)

- Do Home therapies for prevention and  treatments. (one example at end of article)

- Take Superfood tonics, to boost your immune and respiratory system.(brief suggestions at end of article)

Firstly a word about fever 

Fevers and Infections

A fever stimulates your immune system into producing more white blood cells, antibodies, and a protein called interferon, all of which work to protect your body against harmful microorganisms. 

Fever is like a fire or oven that our body ignites to destroy the germs that are bothering us. Just make sure the patient is hydrated and comfortable, ie: if the patient wants to put on a jumper or blanket  because he/she is feeling cold then let them have a covering. Likewise, if the patient does not want coverings, then let it be.  

1. A fever stimulates your immune system into producing more white blood cells, antibodies, and a protein called interferon, all of which work to protect your body against harmful microorganisms.

2. By raising your body’s temperature a few degrees, a fever makes it harder for invading bacteria and viruses to survive and flourish. The higher your core body temperature is, the harder it is for harmful microorganisms to survive in your body.

3. A fever helps to shuttle iron to your liver so that it is not readily available to fuel the growth of invading bacteria.

Long Standing belief, and even parental instinct, may compel you to fight your child’s fever to ease the persistent crying and discomfort. But most experts say not to worry so much about treating your child’s fever. In fact, they say, for children older than six months old, having a fever may be a good thing.

Fever is often a good sign of a robust immune system,” said Dr. Kathi Kemper, professor of pediatrics at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. “A fever in and of itself is not dangerous.”

To find out  more on the role of fever so you can get educated and  understanding the role of the fever, click here : Reducing fever, good or bad - Part 1, here: Reducing fever, good or bad - Part 2

And  most importantly also here, how anti-fever medicine was a factor in the deaths of millions of people during the 1918 Influenza pandemic: Lessons From A Century After The Flu Epidemic Of 1918: How Conventional Medicine Killed Millions And How Homeopathic Medicines Saved Millions” 

The Common Cold symptoms and how it is different from the flu:

Symptoms come on slowly, low grade fever if it occurs, body ache, fatigue, cough and sore throat is mild, runs its course in about one week, can lead to minor ear infections

The Flu symptoms and how it is different from a cold:

Symptoms come on suddenly, higher and sustainable fever,  chills, body ache, fatigue, cough and sore throat is mild are more severe, symptoms persist for two weeks or more,  sometimes gastric symptoms, can lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, other colds and infections.

What do the flu and cold have in common?

Fever, congestion, sneezing, body ache, fatigue, cough and sore throat. According to some professionals who work in hospitals, the difference between COVID-19/Corona and Influenza is that pneumonia in COVID-19 happens much quicker than in common flu.

Classical Homeopathy defines genus epidemicus (i.e., an epidemic) as the 'combined symptoms of a large group of people afflicted with a disease or epidemic, or a remedy that covers all the symptoms which that particular epidemic is capable of producing'. (

It is very early into the COVID-19  worldwide cases to deduce a group of genus epidemicus homeopathic remedies. However, based on 1918 Flu Pandemic, the three homeopathic remedies most likely would cover the symptoms in the majority of people in COVID-19 look like to be: Arsenicum alb, Bryonia,  Gelsemium, but as in Homeopathy each person with flu like symptoms is an individual case and these remedies below may well work for many cases, but it doesn’t necessarily means they will work for all cases.

The chart below may help in the early stages of a mild cough. Some homeopaths have reported the remedy Spongia tosta also helping cases. In addition,  homeopaths have seen Eupatorium perfoliatum needed for the severe flu-like symptoms with bone pains and a terrible headache where even the eyeballs hurt.

Home prescribing without any training is always a bit limited. It is hard to replace a skilled homeopathic practitioner. Especially one trained in acutes/epidemics prescribing. 

If you take one or two remedies with no result, get in touch with your homeopath, or an online service like this one:

Homeopathy Help Now has organised and formed  a task force of homeopathic practitioners to help specifically with this outbreak. They are working on a donation only basis.

If you are very sick or have any problems breathing get in touch with your medical practitioner or the emergency services immediately.

A few helpful homeopathic reminders:

  1. Start with 3 - 6 doses spread over 12 hours 

    1. Take more frequently if more sick (every 1-2 hours), less often (every 3-4 hours) if coping pretty well

  2. Back off on improvement and repeat as needed ( as symptoms relapse or your general well-being or energy  relapses)

  3. If a remedy helps don’t keep taking it

  4. If a remedy doesn’t help don’t keep taking it

If you are very sick or have any problems breathing get in touch with your medical practitioner or the emergency services immediately.

Attention and Good observation are paramount!!

Always select the remedy that is a closest match to the patient’s main symptoms. The chosen remedy should be taken in 30C potency, every Two hours at first then reduce frequency to every 4 hours until symptoms clear.

If no relief happens within 24hours, or symptoms-picture alters, change the remedy accordingly. If you can’t get 30C potency, use what you have found locally. Remedies can be bought in health food shops, some chemists and specialist homeopathic pharmacies. 

If anxiety and fear is very strong - start with Aconite or Arsenicum. Preferably Aconite first and if that does not help , then go  to Arsenicum-alb. 

If there is weakness, then use Arsenicum, Gelsemium, Phosphorus or Antimonium-tart according to the chart. If the symptoms are mainly bronchial/respiratory, that is they predominate, use Bryonia, Antimonium- tart or Phosphorus. 

NOTE: This information is not intended to replace medical advice or care. Contact a health professional if you need further medical or homeopathic help. Remedies can be bought in health food shops, some chemists and specialist homeopathic pharmacies. 

Descriptions of a few remedies:

Arsenicum alb. - Respiratory flu with anxiety and restlessness. Gastric flu with diarrhoea, burning pain in the stomach, nausea and anxious and restless. Desperate, anxious and clingy. Chills 

and fever with diarrhoea. Anxiety wants company. Worse at night. Sips warm drinks. Diarrhoea, burning in the stomach, nausea. Worse at night, after midnight. Anxiety with restlessness and fear, prostration, weakness. Thirst for sips of warm drinks. Stomach flu with diarrhoea and burning pains. 

Bryonia alba - It is nicknamed the “Bear” because of Bryonia’s type of irritability. They are extremely irritable when disturbed and lie down like logs to the extent of sometimes pretending to be asleep in order to avoid having to respond. Dry hacking cough, holds chest when coughing. Better pressure, press areas of the body to immobilize. Very irritable, frustrated. Wants to be left alone. Splitting headache, worse from any motion. Joint aches, aching pains. Slow onset. Severe dryness of lips and throat. Thirsty, crave cold drinks. Limbs ache. Dryness of mucous membranes. The lips are dry and cracked. Stitching, tearing pains, weakness. Hoarseness, dry cough at night, must sit up. Stitches in chest. Stiff, painful, joints. Chill with external coldness, internal heat. Constipation with dry hard stools. Worse motion, movement of any kind. Worse deep breathing. 

Drosera - Severe dyspnea (shortness of breath) threatening suffocation. Dyspnea with blueness of face and lips. Dyspnea with cold sweat on forehead. dyspnea with vomiting of tough mucus. Oppressed breathing, as if holding back the breath. Coughs takes breath away. Spasmodic, dry irritative cough. Attacks follow each other very rapidly, can scarcely breathe. Cough very deep and hoarse, worse after midnight. Deep barking or choking coughs. Cough and chokes, worse singing, talking. Periodical fits of rapid coughing. Prolonged and incessant coughs. Cough with violent tickling in larynx arouses one from sleep. Hemoptysis (coughing up of blood or blood-stained mucus from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs) after convulsions. Whooping cough. Yellow sputum, with bleeding from nose and mouth. Coughs followed by retching, vomiting.

Gelsemium - Influenza associated with nervous stress, fear, fright, emotional excitement or upset. Never well since influenza. Influenza with dry cough, sore chest and watery coryza, no thirst. Slow onset. Low fever. Dizziness, droopy, dump and feeling drowsy with eyelids half closed. Blurred vision. Very apathetic, malaise. Great weariness, prostration. Dullness of the mind. Cannot exert himself to move or turn. The person wants to be left alone. Thirstless. Trembling, muscle aches and weakness. Apathetic about their illness. The head feels dull and heavy. Dull aches with heaviness of eyelids. Copious, profuse, clear urine which ameliorates the headache. Vertigo from sudden motion, exertion or rising up from a seat. Trembling and shaking. Chills run up and down the spine, as if cold water poured down the back. Wiped out feeling. Influenza with malaise. Susceptible to change of weather. Colds are flu-like, exhaustion, trembling. In acutes eyelids are very heavy and fall down. Trembling from weakness, that's why they don't want company and don't want to be disturbed. In acute illnesses with  thirstless. Empty feeling, making them walk around to stop the feeling. Dull aching headache in occiput or forehead. This remedy often gets a sore throat. 

If you are very sick or have any problems breathing get in touch with your medical practitioner or the emergency services immediately.

Home Therapies:

Such as Home Humidifiers, Steam therapy with a bowl with hot water with a few drops of Eucalyptus oil, and Frankincense oil. Put a towel over your head to form a barrier to the steam coming from the bowl and inhale that steam.

 Apple Cider Vinegar Steam Simple Procedure: 

  • Mix 1/2 – 1 tsp teaspoon organic, apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water.

  • Stir solution for thorough mixing.

  • Inhale or breathe in through one nostril only.

  • Plug or press the other nostril using the other hand.

  • Repeat the same procedure to the other nostril. 

Food Tonics

Such as Black Elderberry Syrup ( from Sambucus Nigra elderberries, preferably  Organic) - one small spoon a day mixed in your cereal or with water for a refreshing drink.  Use  Frankincense oil  (Boswelia Sacra) a couple of drops a day in water and drink it. 

Frankincense (Boswelia Sacra)  can also be mixed with a couple of Eucalyptus oil in a carrier oil and rubbed in the chest or at the sole of feet when there is fever before going to sleep. 

Always best to use Organic oils for massage or ingesting.

Cinnamon and Honey Tea - Make a cup of cinnamon and honey tea for any type of fever. Add lemon juice to it in order to increase its intensity. Take this tea three times daily and see what a magic potion it had been.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this article should be taken as advice instead of consulting your general practitioner. It is fully the reader's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information  Parvati presents. Seek help in an emergency. The four remedies mentioned suggested in this article only out of fifty or hundred more for viral induction conditions. Do not try to self-treat with homeopathic remedies  in chronic conditions. Seek professional homeopathic help for chronic, long standing conditions or even for colds, flus and chronic coughs if you are not being successful with your self-prescribing.

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Apr 13, 2020

Many social media threads comment that Corona virus is actually a poisoning by the powers to be, by " the cult that controls the world", so therefore homeopathy is not necessary, does not come into the question or is not valid.

In Homeopathy, it does not matter if it is a virus or a poisoning that is making people ill, because Homeopathy treats the electromagnetic field. So if the energetic frequency of a virus or a poison disrupts the balance of the individual's electromagnetic field, then once a homeopathic remedy that is similar in symptoms to that energetic disruption is taken, the electromagnetic field will be set back into balance and symptoms will start to ameliorate and eventually disappear. Ea…

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