by Joseph Rex Kerrick
Scribed 9-22-2001 (Equinox)
Hearken, all ye hallowed beings,
Both high and low of Thule's kindred,
I'll tell you now of hidden things
As God himself may have remembered.
Like endless sea without an isle
There was a void: Ginnungagap.
No boat sailed upon this Nihil,
No hand nor pen could draw a map.
Then suddenly there came a spark
Of brilliant flame upon the deep ~
A single star within the dark,
And soon the fire danced and leaped.
This fiery world, called Muspelheim,
By inverse power gave birth to ice,
Which melted down and turned to rime
And spawned a seed of Paradise.
Surtur’s urge with blazing heat
Would soon devour the budding world;
But from the frost there sprang Savit.
Her womb across the Gap unfurled ~
It wrapped the surging flame around,
And formed a shaft, a hollow rod;
Thus cock in cunt was firmly bound
And hence became the Will of God.
The act of love had made the Sun,
Called Savitur, for they were One.
Around the Light the planets spun,
Like a dance, nine worlds in one.
But though the All is indivisible,
Below the ground, beyond the mountain
Lie hidden realms and worlds invisible,
Which always drink from Surtur’s fountain.
Indeed the Lingam is a Tree,
From roots of which the worlds all spring;
Whatever was and is to be
Is graven in each layered ring.